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Dinosaur Trucks: A Fusion of Two Toys Children Love
We at Prehistoric Pals set out to create a dinosaur truck book and toy line that sparks a child’s vivid imagination and their thirst for adventure. We combined the age-old love of dinosaurs with trucks, trains, and automobiles to provide the new generation a positive message of teamwork, empathy, and courage.
When there is a friend in need, the Pals will be there to do a good deed!
~ Brontie and Pals Build a Park
This is the story of a group of friends who work together to make the world a better place by solving problems together! Whether it’s cleaning up a park or helping a friend who’s stuck, together the Prehistoric Pals can accomplish anything they set their minds to.

Most Popular Dinosaur Truck Toys, Books, & T-Shirts!
Check out the Prehistoric Pals store and meet the dinosaurs that are the inspiration for our dinosaur trucks and books!
Find themes of: friendship, love, respect, courage, compassion, and more in Prehistoric Pals first book Brontie and Pals Build a Park where both children and adults can enjoy reading. Also look into surprising your little one with a pal of their own! Brontie comes in both a dinosaur truck stuffed animal as well as dinosaur truck plastic toy!